How to Make SSD SOLUTION at Home – Research/13122024

In this article you will learn how to make SSD solution at home, which will explain in details; what is SSD chemical, common laboratory steps, and the complete requirements you will need to securely setup a private SCDN lab at home, to successfully produce SSD chemical solutions.

First, it is important to understand that;

SSD solution is a classification term denoting all types of SUBSTANCES which are used to recover and clean ANTI-BREEZE defaced banknotes. The most commonly used SSD solutions types for the cleaning and recovery of DFX banknote currencies include; (SSD chemical, HU2 powder, and 3DLM gas) substances, with different quoted prices for each unique solution type. Therefore, our focus in this article would be exactly on “how to make SSD chemical” at home, which is the liquid solution substance. Now, let us define what is SSD chemical based on SCDN research.

– What is SSD Chemical?
SSD chemical is a highly volatile laboratory produced liquid substance that is used as a cleaning solution for DFX banknote currencies. As an illegal substance, it is banned by the Government, making SSD chemical substances only available in the BLACK-MARKET space. According to HAZMAT, SSD chemical is classified as the world’s most toxic and hazardous material.

To successfully make an SSD chemical substance, you must be able to understand the basic difference between a solute and a solvent, as this is the composition that makes up a solution, after thorough SCDN research investigations prior to chemicals production.

When the chemical research process is completed, then, the SSD SOLUTION production (or making) process follow suits, which commonly involves 3 laboratory stages. But, before then, let us understand the differences between solute versus solvent.

What is Solute?
A solute is a substance that is dissolved in a solution. The amount of solvent in a fluid solution is greater than the amount of solute. Salt (NaCl) and water (H20) are two of the most common examples of solutions in our daily lives. Since salt dissolves in water, it is the solute.

A solute is a substance that can be dissolved into a solution by a solvent. A solute can take many forms. It may be in the form of a gas, a liquid, or a solid. The solvent, or material that dissolves the solute, separates the molecules of the solute and distributes them evenly.

What is Solvent?
The part of a solution that is present in the greatest amount is called a solvent. It’s the liquid that the solute is dissolved in. A solvent is usually a liquid. The word “solvent” is derived from the Latin word solv, which means “to loosen or untie.”

According to general information on the internet and descriptions given in chemistry books, water is the most powerful solvent among others. It’s also known as the “universal solvent” because it can dissolve almost any material better than any other liquid. Also, because of its polarity, water is an excellent solvent.

More than 70% amount of distilled water is needed for the making and using of SSD chemical solutions.

Basically, research establishes 3 stages and 7 steps to know about if you are looking to master the learning process on how to make SSD chemical solution substances, which are detailed below.

Three laboratory stages how to make SSD solution liquid chemical substances, according to GCL;

1. SSD chemical preparation: This stage involves primary research and putting together all necessary physical properties, which commonly consist of all the raw materials composed in NH18O6MAC7S.

2. SSD chemical composition: The elemental composition of solution is the most important step in the making process of an SSD CHEMICAL substance, which include; NaCl, H2O, MgNgK 0.01%, Au 79, C4H8, H2SO4, C3H6O.

3. SSD chemical formula: The chemical equation must be balanced to achieve the appropriate SSD CHEMICAL FORMULA, which helps prevent most chemical combustions scenarios, due to properties imbalance chemicals conflict. SSD chemical formula is achieved through structural analysis.

There are seven steps to making a solution in the lab. To make SSD solution, you can follow these steps;

1. Decide on the solution’s concentration.
2. Calculate the solute and solvent needed.
3. Take safety precautions.
4. Weigh or measure the solute.
5. Dissolve the solute.
6. Do safety and quality checks.
7. Label and store the solution.

*SSD chemical is a soluble liquid substance that dissolves in distilled water solutions through dilution. After making your SSD solution, chemicals can be instantly used, stored, or sold. An eBook released by GCL explains in detail all the seven step-by-step production procedure.

Not just anyone can make an SSD CHEMICAL substance, as Ph.D. in chemistry is a standard educational requirement needed to be able to formulate SSD chemicals. There is a common misconception between solution and chemical among DFX banknote holders.

It is very important to clear the differences;

What is a Solution?
Solution, in chemistry, a homogenous mixture of two or more substances in relative amounts that can be varied continuously up to what is called the limit of solubility. The term solution is commonly applied to the liquid state of matter, but solutions of gases and solids are possible.

What is a Chemical?
A chemical substance is a unique form of matter with constant chemical composition and characteristic properties. Chemical substances may take the form of a single element or chemical compounds. If two or more chemical substances can be combined without reacting, they may form a chemical mixture. If a mixture is separated to isolate one chemical substance to a desired degree, the resulting substance is said to be chemically pure.

Now that we have clearly enumerate the differences between (solute vs solvent) and (solution vs chemical) literally.

It is deduced that SSD CHEMICAL is a solvent, considered as soluble liquid substances, which the dilution of other substances such as distilled water can be used as a solution during a DFX BANKNOTE cleaning process.

The making process of an SSD chemical solution substance whether at home or in the lab requires a high level of safety precautions. Because the molecular charge of an SSD chemical liquid is -2.369, it has high combustion volatility which can cause massive disaster as a result of chemicals reaction. According to GCL researchers, the SSD CHEMICAL COMBUSTION reaction is likely to occur within >/= 77.667°C often due to intense heat.

This explains why the best time to start producing SSD chemical solutions is recommended between 1:00 AM to 5:00 AM, before the sunlight appears, due to its very high volatility to heat produced by the sun. That is because the temperature is colder at night, plus the unit where you mounted your private SCDN lab must be fully Air-conditioned to absorb any environmental heats produced during the making processes of SSD chemical substances. That is also the reason why a special Laboratory Incubator Device is required to store these substances during a transportation process, to regulate the SSD chemical temperature against the pressure produced by heat, during storage or shipment. About 64 percent of SSD chemical substances are moved by private jets charter flights, to meetup with EXTRA-fast storage and delivery time to prevent combustion reactions.

Therefore, considering and ensuring a high level of Safety Precautions in your home’s private lab initially should be your main priority, to prevent losing your home by fire consumption as a result of SSD chemicals combustion reactions. Putting your safety first is the prior thing to consider when setting up a home SCDN lab for producing SSD chemical substances.

For personal safety, avoid direct contact with chemicals, and don’t smell, inhale, or taste them. Never leave containers of chemicals open, and label all containers. Fire extinguisher is a must have emergency equipment, in case of fire outbursts. Work with a lab partner if possible.

The complete requirements you must have to setup and run a successful SCDN lab at home for making SSD chemical substances used as DFX banknote cleaning solutions.

*A Ph.D. educational Level in chemistry: If you truly intend to learn “how to make SSD solution at home” personally in your private lab, then you cannot ignore the fact that a Doctorate degree in Philosophy with specialty in chemistry is mandatory for anyone to be able to produce an SSD chemical substance solution. A plus 18 months of theoretical and practical study in SSD CHEMICAL is equally obligatory, to perfect the final chemical structure. Hiring a Ph.D. holder might be the best option for people who do not have a Ph.D. degree in chemistry, since this academic program requires a 3-6 years of studies.

*Setup private SCDN lab space: An SCDN lab is a secured room that has been arranged as a place where to conduct SSD chemical research and perform production. Setting up your private SCDN laboratory at your home as a place where you can practice on how to make SSD solution chemical substances, you will need a basement, then wired with LED lights, get a computer for research, install internet connection via Starlink (or use a normal connection with a FIREWALL), get the Air-condition mounted. Then you can start buying the necessary laboratory equipment’s to setup your space, such as; 1. Microscope: · 2. Test tubes: · 3. Beakers: · 4. Magnifying glass: · 5. Volumetric flask: · 6. Bunsen burner: · 7. Dropper · 8. Thermometer. An insight on how to use this equipment for SSD chemical mixing, titration, extraction, filtration, purification and testing are all found in the “SSD CHEMICAL STRUCTURE” eBook sold by GCL.

*Budget estimation $500,000 dollars: The total budget estimated to build a secure and private SCDN lab is estimating at 500000 U.S. Dollars, this amount is distributed to every single thing you will need to setup and make SSD solution chemicals in your lab, such as courses, outsourcing, equipment, and maintenance. Cost of research is certainly the most demanding in this budget, as Italian professional SSD CHEMICAL researchers charge up to 200,000$ per hour of research. To build a corporate SCDN lab for mass production of SSD chemicals is estimated at billions of dollars. SCDN labs are mostly wired or electrified by Solar Panels, not only to reduce electricity bills, but also as a security measure to prevent tracking by Authorities through Electrical Powder companies when they read your electrical meter.

Setting up some private SCDN labs will demand up to a million dollar, because it costs money to produce chemicals. E.g.; hiring a Ph.D. holder, money to build and maintain a laboratory unit, etc. Basically, setting up a private SCDN lab is an investment.

SSD chemical is a compound solution made up of 96% amount of electrons properties. To identify liquid SSD chemical substances by color, it is important to take note that the solvent is usually blue in color (which is the solution compound), green color represent the elements, yellow is for molecules, and the red is for atoms. The color change often indicates a chemical reaction change in titration. A single SSD chemical atom is bonded with 4 electrons atom.

Standard Chemical Electrons Properties

Electrons have several properties that are important for understanding chemical properties:

Electrons have a negative charge of -1.602176634 x 10-19 coulombs, which is the basic unit of electric charge.

Electrons are very light, with a mass of 9.1093837015 x 10-31 kg, which is only 1/1,836 the mass of a proton.

Electrons are identical particles, meaning they cannot be distinguished from each other by their physical properties.

Although SSD SOLUTIONS contain 96% amount of electrons chemical properties, the SSD chemical molecular charge is -2.36900000 with a mass of 7.018442220 secured through identical unique CAS numbers to identify and verify chemical properties which helps prevent online frauds.

Purchase the “SSD CHEMICAL STRUCTURE” eBook course from GCL, to learn the insights of “how to make SSD solution at home” in an in-depth step-by-step procedure from start to finish which helps you quickly follow instructions and reproduce their SSD chemical formulas to make and acquire your desired chemical solution results, for cleaning a specific type of DFX banknote. This course contains instructional materials and take 4-6 weeks to complete.

A complete understanding of the SSD chemical structure and its covalent bonded elements can help anyone learn how to make SSD solution at home, in their private lab.

According to Toxicologists. The main reason why SSD chemical substances are illegal is because the solutions are used to clean black money and its danger to safety and properties, clearly explaining why such substances can only be found in the BLACK MARKET.

If you want to make SSD solution at home, you can easily buy an up-dated series AAA* grades of universal SSD CHEMICAL formula with complete structure directly from the GCL, so that you can simply make the solutions dilution agents to reproduce the desired chemical substance that you will need to recover or clean a particular type of defaced banknote right to its specific coated color type, with clear specification which formulates the chemical bond between SSD/DFX. Purchasing SSD solution solvent formular from GCL will save yourself the time to embark on a personal chemical research journey, and simply reproduce.

Considering the critical risk of safety and property endangerment involves in the process of producing an SSD CHEMICAL substance does not encourage individuals to setup an SCDN lab at home, at least for personal safety and property risk. Liquid SSD chemical substances are liable to cause combustion at any-point in time due to its very high substances volatility.

The high price of SSD CHEMICAL solutions is influenced by the substance production complexity and combustion volatility. When you succeed in making at least 10 mL quantity of an SSD chemical substance, it can be used to clean up to 100 pieces of DFX $100 bills, as a liter of an SSD chemical substance is used to clean 10000 pcs of DFX $100 notes, according to established CPT value. There after making up to 1000 mL of SSD chemical liquid substance quantity, you can sell it in the BLACK MARKET anywhere between 18800 to 120000 dollars plus per liter.

SSD CHEMICAL is a trillion-dollar BLACK MARKET industry. It is rated the world’s most disastrous liquid soluble substance due to its high volatility to change from liquid to vapor, igniting combustion reactions. Billions of dollars are lost in properties destroyed yearly as a result of SSD chemical explosions. A very High-level of Safety Precaution is advised in the process of making or using SSD chemical substances.

Making SSD solutions is focusing on key electrons element such as (MgNgK 0.01%) which makes up to 96.9% of a purified chemical substance, to efficiently structure SSD chemical formulas. SSD chemical molecules are literally formed by covalent bonds. The SSD chemical liquid substance contains 00.01% of proton and 96.99% electron properties. An SSD chemical equation must be balanced to achieve desired solution results. Producing SSD chemical substances are highly time demanding.

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  1. Joel Anhan
    ديسمبر 18, 2024 - 4:13 م

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  2. George Fuit
    ديسمبر 19, 2024 - 1:01 ص

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