A Step by Step Procedure to Safely buy SSD chemical and AVOID Scams

In the SSD/SCDN/DFX cleaning industry, it is no more news that SSD chemical scams possess a huge threat to DFX banknote owners. Hang on with me, as I dish you with a bowl of scorching knowing, consisting an in-depth step by step safety guide for purchasing an SSD chemical substance and AVOID Scams, completely. The underground TUNNEL MARKET is a dark world, with an estimation of roughly $2.28 billion dollars lost yearly, as a result of SSD/SCDN/DFX scams.

There are practically 5 major safety steps you can go through as a DFX banknote holder, when attempting to purchase or buy SSD chemical substances, which will definitely help you to stay away from frauds and AVOID scams. Following these procedures have helped over 1,437 DFX holders from falling victims in the hands of SSD scammers, in 2022.



The ULTIMATE safety and security guides for DFX banknote holders.


I- Verify CAS number

A track record from the 1500 BCE to 2000 CE, a total amount of over $7 trillions of dollars was lost in SSD/SCDN/DFX scams, according to GCL radar, based on factual historical analytics. From 2000 to 2020, billions of dollars lost by DFX banknote holders, globally, in the pursued of SSD chemical substances. In 2021, the GCL implemented a safety and security system layer known as Chemical Analysis Scrutiny (CAS) number, which helps protect DFX banknote owners in the purchasing process of the SSD chemical substances in the underground TUNNEL MARKET.

These CAS numbers will allow you to check, verify, and confirm that an SSD chemical substance is original, genuine, and real, prior to payments. This is a tide security program employ by the GCL to help reduce, if not stop the SCAMS AND FRAUDS that transpires between DFX banknote holders and SSD chemical sellers, in the underground TUNNEL MARKET. So far, more than $556 million worth of scams attempts has been stopped, from August 2022 – August 2023.


To Verify an SSD/CAS number, simply follow the three easy steps below;


  1. Visit the GCL official website
  2. Input your chemical CAS No.
  3. Click “Verify” to check and confirm


After clicking on “Verify” to check and confirm if the CHEMICAL substance is original, genuine, or real, the following information would be pulled from the GCL database and displayed on your device screen. These displayed data validates and confirms to an individual that a said DFX banknote cleaning chemical substance is truly produced by the GCL.





Label: GCL

Model number: GCL-PD202307111753XX

CAS no.: 8430-XX-1


>> In some cases, the valid SSD Chemical Formula code and version of the batch will also be displayed, as an extension of chemical verification data.


Such as;

Chemical formulation: [NH18O6MAC7S] *NEW

Version: 2023vsn


Due to the high cost of this illegally produced laboratory liquid substance [SSD chemical], scammers prey highly on ignorant victims [DFX banknote] holders, who have zero or no knowledge into what they hold, where scammers will sell to them simple distilled water in the name of SSD chemical solutions, some NEVER even deliver, and some, selling completely fake and expired chemical substances, which results in victims losing their money and never able to clean their Anti- Breeze DFX bank notes currencies. Hence, verifying your SSD/CAS number will not only help you stay away from scammers’ traps, it will also help you know your SSD/DFX cleaning compatibility sets, all thanks to GCL security system.

Market research reports billions of dollars lost in chemical scams yearly. Arm yourself with knowledge; educate yourself about SSD/SCDN/DFX, before making a purchase. The GCL is dedicated to protect the interest of DFX banknote holders, worldwide, by creating valuable informational resources to help educate any DFX banknote holder. These resources can be easily found on Google with a simple search.


II- Payment Guarantee

Verifying your SSD/CAS number is the ULTIMATE key to your Chemical substances purchase and a secured means for your payment guarantee. However, after you’ve verified your SSD chemical and has confirmed that it is original, genuine, and real, (which is the most important step to easily identify an SSD scammer) then you can proceed with your payment safely, unless you have not verified the chemical analysis scrutiny (CAS) number, then you should be 100% worried, concerning your payment security.

DFX banknote holders who purchases their SSD chemical substances from the GCL, also enjoys a double layer of payment security by paying for their chemicals purchased order CASH-ON-DELIVERY (COD), or payment after delivery, this is to help enforce trust with current customers and to build trust with new customers. Upon a DFX banknote holder verifying their SSD/CAS No., they still will not send money out until chemical is received. GCL provides the most secured and guaranteed payment options, to its valuable patients (DFX banknote holders), globally, in 166 countries.

Most reliable SCDN laboratories or SSD sellers should be able to provide you with some secured means of payment guarantee which protects your funds in one way or the other, allowing you to receive your chemicals before making a payment. Off course, this should be after you’ve already verified the CAS No.

A liter of SSD liquid chemical substance costing $28,500.00 USD in 2023 is worth all the time and process taken to verify your CAS number before making a payment. Ensuring that a secured means of payment guarantee is also provided by the SSD chemical seller should equally be your top priority. An equilibrium payment guaranty protecting both DFX banknote holders and SSD chemical suppliers is mandatory.


III- Secured Shipping Method

In case of a direct purchase of an SSD chemical solution substance, which will require the DFX banknote owner to be the responsible party to handle the shipping process of their chemicals, then, confirming your SSD chemical substances shipping method available with the seller, supplier, or producer is highly recommended. However, in the history of SSD/SCDN/DFX cleaning industry since the 90’s; The most secured shipping method has been through AIR FREIGHTS.

Due to the combination of molecular formulas such as CH2O (which causes the substance to evaporate), and C4H8 (which causes the substance tantamount to combustion) making the SSD chemical a volatile and danger liquid, the transportation process from point [A] to point [B] entails a very complex shipping procedures.

In most scenario, as a DFX banknote owner (or SSD chemical buyer), upon paying the cost of the Chemical substance, you will have to handle the following (some or all) depending on your country of resident, where you want the chemicals to be delivered, to ensure that there is a successful delivery.


– Chemical cost (gets the substance)

– Shipping fee (transports the chemical)

– Electronic incubator (regulates chemical temperature)

– Insurance charges (covers chemical value)

– Customs clearance (clears the chemical)


SSD chemical buyers who purchases their DFX banknote currencies cleaning substances from the GCL gets a complete peace of mind and equally enjoys a hassle-free shipping process as the GCL will take responsibilities of the entire process on behave of DFX banknote holders, to help save their time and stress to battle with legal authorities, both locally and globally. Making 100% sure that your purchased SSD chemical substances are shipped using the most Secured Shipping Methods available.

The uncertainty that holds the entire shipping process of SSD chemical substances from one place to another’ around the world is very high, with the constant tracking and seizure of countless shipped SSD packages by the legal authorities, such as the FBI, CIA, and INTERPOL in transits, including the complications at arrival airports in buyer’s destination country, for clearance, it is always wise for SSD chemical buyers to request, ask, or insist that the seller or supplier should handle the shipping process. This will help relief the DFX banknote holders from personally going through the shipment process, stress, and the countless problems that comes with it. Unless you have a secured method of shipping which you’ve previously used to successfully ship your SSD chemicals, then, you can feel confident to handle your purchased SSD chemical shipping process personally, by yourself, to avoid shipping scams.


IV- Identify SSD Scammers

In your endeavor to purchase an SSD chemical substance, if the seller cannot provide you with a valid SSD/CAS number to verify your chemical before payment, then they’re 100% scammers. That should be your No.1 identification of an SSD chemical scammer. However, since SSD chemical liquid are sold per 1000 ml (1 liter) as a minimum order quantity, costing somewhere between 18,000 USD to 120,000 USD, for someone who does not want to buy up to a liter, and decides to purchase lesser quantity than 1000 ml, where a CAS number is not provided (cannot be verified) since SSD/CAS number are only provided for a sealed 1 liter chemical (printed on the GCL label) glued on the container. In such cases, it is highly recommended to request a free SSD chemical sample from the seller, supplier, or producer as a testing dose to try the substances (liquid and/or powder) on your defaced banknotes to confirm by yourself that the chemicals works on your notes before you can go ahead to buy up to the chemical quantity amount that you desire, want, or need.

93.3% of SSD chemical scammers will give you a thousand reasons why they cannot provide you with a free chemical samples, identify them as scammers. A true SCDN laboratory will provide its potential customers with any small chemical sample amount as a testing dose to try and confirm the chemical products, on their notes. Although, there are many other scam methods fraudsters develop every day to prey of their victims, it should be noted that verifying your SSD/CAS number and testing a chemical sample are the two major ways that a DFX banknote holder can use to easily Identify SSD Scammers, without a third doubt. Lastly, scammers will sell at any cheap price just to lure you in their trap.

BEWARE of scammers using the GCL name to target ignorant victims. If anyone says, they’re a GCL agent, make sure that you always request for their AVP code to verify it with the assigned security authorities of GEMONOG CHEMICAL LABORATORY SARL, to confirm that it’s true, and NOT another scam.


V- Request a Sample

A Sample (or testing dose) of the SSD chemical substance that you wish to buy is an advisory step or action to take for DFX banknote owners who holds doubts in their mind about the chemical substance they want to purchase, so as to perform a test cleaning on their defaced notes personally, by using the received chemicals sample, hence, confirming the SSD/DFX cleaning compatibility of their Anti- Breeze bank notes, prior to the substantial purchase required for cleaning their consignment (safety VAULT).

Requesting your free SSD chemical sample from the GCL will give you a double offer benefits (EXCLUSIVE) option, to also enjoy a free COURIER shipping cost. Meaning, (free chemical + free shipping), you just wait for delivery date, to receive your SSD/HU2 chemical solutions sample package, from the GCL. GCL is a generic defaced money analogy chemical laboratory that specializes in the study, research, production, and distribution of SSD/SCDN/DFX cleaning solution substances, host of 96,000 employees, including researchers, scientists, analysts, and technicians. 1300+ branch labs spread around the world, with a presence in 166 countries worldwide.



NOTICE: It is very important and highly recommended that, as a DFX banknote holder, you should conduct your own personal research online about [DFX banknote] and [SSD chemical], as this will help you not only to know exactly what you’re looking for, it would as well provide you with enough amount of knowledge to easily identify an SSD chemical scammer. Scammers and Fraudsters take advantage on the ignorance of their victims to scam or defraud them. Conducting your own personal research will give you a good standing ground to start from, for finding the best cleaning SSD chemical compatible with your DFX banknote.


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