5 ULTIMATE Reasons Why Original SSD Chemical Is So Expensive

SSD chemical is undeniably one of the most expensive synthetic laboratories produced solution substances, as these types of chemicals are used to develop banknotes, commonly known as defaced money. In this piece of researched SSD/SCDN/DFX article, you will learn relevant facts about why the original SSD chemicals are so expensive in the BLACK MARKET.

“A black market, underground economy, or shadow economy is a clandestine market or series of transactions that has some aspect of illegality or is not compliant with an institutional set of rules.” – Wikipedia

In the history of BLACK MARKET, a Liter of original SSD chemical liquid substance has been sold at a whooping cost of 7.7 million in Fiat/Baino/Crypto currency relevance value at the time, in 1964, at the underground tunnel market, according to GCL radar system. In modern day, at the UNDERGROUND TUNNEL MARKET, the cost of purchasing 1000ml SSD CHEMICAL can vary depending on the substance criteria, and can range from $25000 to over $400000:

– Isolated or normal: Typically costs between $25000 and $49000
– Automatic chemical substance: Typically costs between $49000 and $120,000
– Universal (1-10 currencies): Typically costs between $120,000 and $250,000
– Full-spectrum chemical (10-100 currencies): Typically costs between $250,000 and over $400,000

It is important to note that; SSD chemical sample testing doses are way less costly than these quotations, as these prices are quoted based on measurement per liter. The average total CPT of 1000 ml of SSD liquid is 10000 pcs of DFX banknote, meaning that one liter is able to clean 1 million, when used to clean 10000pcs x 100 denomination of dollar bills. GCL currently sells a liter of original fully-concentrated liquid SSD chemical solution at 28500 USD, with security CAS number provided to buyers.

According to Google Search Console for the query “why is ssd chemical so expensive?” Here are five enumerated key reasons why original SSD chemicals are so expensive, based on substance research study, by a team of GCL researchers.


Let us go deep in to the details, to understand clearly why each of these derivatives affects the prices of SSD chemical liquid solutions in the BLACK MARKET. Knowledge, they say; it’s half the price. Therefore, getting a full comprehension of SSD chemical substances will help save you A LOT of money by easily identifying fake solutions when spotted during a purchase, as well as keep you very far from scammers.

SSD chemical complex manufacturing is known for its high degree of customization, precision, and exacting performance standards, complex manufacturing, includes the creation of sophisticated products frequently involving numerous components or parts as well as intricate processes and advanced technologies. Hence; these delicate production processes cause scarcities which in turns highly affects the prices of SSD chemical substances in the BLACK MARKET, due to its low level of production time annually. SSD chemical scarcity is a major factor affecting solution substances prices by 62% high, which as a result of these scarcities, a large number of buyers are victim of scams. The average prices of original SSD chemical substances produced by GCL is sold within the range of $25,000 to $120,000 per 1000 ml. SSD chemical scammers will sell to their victims at any amount, simply because they DO NOT have any solutions to provide.

Despite the high level of original SSD chemicals scarcity in the BLACK MARKET which consequently influences the prices of the solutions, it inadvertently increases the rate of scams as well, making the space vulnerable to DFX banknote holders. Purchasing SSD chemicals from reliable laboratories such as GCL comes with high level of payment security, which helps protect potential buyers by allowing them to verify their chemicals CAS Number to check and confirm the authenticity and originality of the solution substance before making payments.

Prior to the SSD chemicals production process, a tedious and critical research it required, to guaranty a successful finishing product and exacting performance standards during usage for the development, recovery, and cleaning of DFX banknote currencies. Critical research is a type of social inquiry that examines power, inequity, and the societal implications of these issues. It’s a departure from traditional scientific research because it analyzes the ‘social world’ from novel perspectives and develops ‘social theory’ to address them. Critical SSD chemical literacy; A goal of chemistry education that aims to develop learners’ understanding of the molecules of chemistry with laws, resources, and underground economy. SSD chemical critical research includes tacit, emotional, unethical, social, and political aspects of chemistry. A professional SSD chemical researcher charges not less than $700,000 per hour, which directly affects the prices of SSD chemical finished products. GEMONOG CHEMICAL LABORATORY invests more than 4000-hours and about $19.6 billion yearly in SSD chemical research.

Annual chemical research investment:

*Average charge per SSD chemical researcher: $700,000/hr.
*Average research time annually: 4,0000-hours
*Average number of critical research teams: 7-circles
***Total cost of research expenses by GCL: 700,000$ X 4,000h X 7c = 19,600,000,000 dollars yearly.

The high need and low production of original SSD chemical solutions due to its complex manufacturing process, causes scarcity, and thereby heavily affecting the chemicals solution prices in the BLACK MARKET. This condition also explains why SSD chemical scam is high, denoting that a very high number of SSD chemical substances are NOT real (fake/scam). In 2017, GCL implemented a chemical verification process by allowing buyers to check and verify that an SSD chemical substance is genuine and original, before making a payment, as buyers protection due to high demand, low production, and increased scam. In 2022, the total Black-Market cap of DFX banknotes was estimated at $58.10T, with less than 33% of SSD chemical availability. A very low amount of original SSD chemicals availability compared to the estimated amount of DFX banknotes available in global holdings to be cleaned, causes high rate of scams due to the common fact that solution demands cannot meet the low productions level.

The original SSD chemicals availability does not match the high amount of DFX banknotes available in holdings, due to chemicals complex production process, which causes scarcity and affects solution demands, making the price of real SSD chemicals very expensive, as it is extremely difficult to get-hold of the real solution substances, in the BLACK MARKET, creating room for scams to infiltrate the space.

The consciousness of SSD chemical illegal nature automatically instinct fear to the mind and causing the heart to beat faster, as there are severe consequences by the legal authority should someone is found producing or using these substances. The illegal nature of SSD chemicals explains why these substances can only be bought and sold in the BLACK MARKET. It is inevitable to think that the illegal nature of SSD chemical solutions certainly influences the prices of SSD chemicals, because not only it is very scares to find the original substance, a buyer will have to toil through the clandestine route of the BLACK MARKET to find the chemicals, whether offline or online.

It takes a lot of risk when getting involved with these chemicals, the danger of its illegal nature is somehow less compared to the danger associated in the production and usage of SSD chemicals, as they are very volatile and tantamount to explosive, if mishandled. According to GCL radar, an estimated sum of $587 billion is lost yearly due to SSD chemical explosions. Because of the illegal nature of SSD chemicals, you will never see an SSD chemical production unit or facility in plain sights, chemical laboratories are often built in caves (under-ground), to hide from legal authorities (surface-world).

The complexity of producing SSD chemicals highly influence the finished product prices. These complexities range from locating a secured cave void, building sophisticated labs under the Earth’s surface, installing electrical power, procuring machinery equipment’s, hiring SSD chemical researchers, sourcing for laboratory technicians, chemical data analysts, and the entire production team. In unfortunate cases were a production gone-wrong occurs, due to the volatile nature of SSD chemicals it is likely to cause explosion, and a new production unit will need to be re-setup. Inside a fully-setup SCDN laboratory, to make an SSD chemical will typically involve these 3-steps of production (preparation, composition, and formulation). The average cost of setting up a private SCDN lab would be estimated at about $500,000 dollars, while the cost to setup a mega production facility ranges somewhere between millions to billions of dollars.

Complex production often involves:

*Many components: Just as SSD chemicals are made up of many elements or compounds.
*Intricate processes: The production process for SSD chemicals can be intricate and involve advanced technologies.
*Low volumes: SSD chemicals are often produced in low volumes, due to raw materials scarcity.
*Structure changes: The elements of SSD chemicals may be subject to frequent structure changes.
*Regulatory requirements: Complex products may be subject to regulatory laws, explaining why SSD chemicals are labelled illegal.
*Multiple steps: Complex processes have many steps, phases, or components, as SSD chemicals require a 21-stages of production.
*Interdependencies: The steps in chemicals complex process are often interdependent, hence, to produce SSD chemicals finished product.
*Prolong-production time: SSD chemicals typically requires a longer production time, often (90-days).

Some legal examples of complex production include the manufacturing of aircrafts, ships, and satellites.



DISCLAIMER: This article is a report thesis for educational purposes only. Data sources include Google, IoT, and Wikipedia. Personal research is advised to ascertain facts. This content is primarily curated for DFX banknote holders, and anyone who finds interest to know reasons why SSD chemical substances are expensive in the Black Market.

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  1. nova alben
    November 24, 2024 - 6:10 am

    Now it is really clear why this chemical is so expensive. Thank you for the information.

  2. Azak mulangk
    November 28, 2024 - 7:17 am

    I bought ssd chemical solution in Kazakhstan for 36000 dollars from a fake lab, and it did not work.

  3. Joseph Fanuy
    December 1, 2024 - 8:22 am

    This is very useful resource about SSD chemicals. Thank you for sharing Dr. Scott Brian.

  4. Rony Ewangi
    December 2, 2024 - 9:28 am

    GCL always provides the best of up-to-date news, resources, and sales information. I trust your educating contents. Keep it up!

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